PLV Fee Schedule
(As of 3/28/2023)
Below is a list of fees assessed by the Point La Vista Property Owners Association. These are subject to change at any time with the Board of Directors approval.
Annual Dues (Mandatory for all owners): $175 per lot for 2023. Statements were mailed October 31st , 2022; due January 1st, 2023. A Late fee will be applied if payment is received after March 1st, 2023. (Revised 10/1/2022)
Special Assessment (Mandatory for all owners): $0 for 2023
Boat Ramp/Storage Lot Key: $26 (nonrefundable), but we would appreciate the keys be returned when you sell or no longer need them (Changed from $21 by Board approved motion 11/13/2021)
Mowing/Adopt-A-Lot: $50 All lots must be mowed by June 1st each year by the lot owner. After June 1st and at the POA's discretion, they may arrange to have a lot mowed and charge the owner (Initiate by the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions and for Adopt-A-Lot policy by Board approved motion 1/18/2020)
Lot Cleanup: $100 Should it become necessary for the Association to arrange to have junk, debris, or unsightly accumulation of junk removed from a lot (Initiated by the Covenants Conditions and Restrictions)
NSF Fee: Actual bank charges plus a $40 fee for any check returned for insufficient funds (NSF)
Late Fee: $50 per lot 60 days after due date, unless on approved payment plan (Initiated by Board approved motion on 9/26/2020)
Lot Transfer Fee: $100 per lot (Changed from $75 by Board approved motion on 1/14/2022)
Providing Resale Certificate: $250 when requested by a title company (Initiated by Board approved motion on. (Revised 1/14/2023)
Lien Filing Fee: $75 if the Association files the lien, costs incurred if the Association has a lawyer file the lien. (Changed from $55 by Board approved motion on 11/13/2021)
Construction Fees: $1,000 (Combined $300 building fee and $700 road fee by Board approved motion on 9/26/2020)
Failure to Cease: $200 per day when failing to cease construction after being notified (Changed from $250 per day by Board approved motion on 1/16/2021)
Legal Fees: The Association will charge the lot owner actual fees incurred for legal expenses when a lawyer is engaged