Adopt-a-lot Policy

for the Point La Vista Property Owners Association

 Effective 1/18/2020




Currently there are hundreds of lots in the PLV community that are not in compliance with deed restriction 12 which states:

12.               Each lot must be mowed as needed and kept free of weeds and underbrush for the prevention of fire and for sanitation.  If the first mowing is not completed by the Owner or his agents by June 1st of each calendar year, the developer reserves the right to mow and clean up any unmowed Lot and to charge the Owner a reasonable fee for such services.  Failure to pay the charges for said restoration when it has become necessary for the Developer to do so shall give the Developer the right to place a lien against the Lot for said service.  The charges shall in no case exceed $50.00 per year per lot.


The Problem(s):


1.                  Since the deed restrictions were written in 1985 the maximum allowed fee ($50) has not been updated to adjust for inflation making it difficult for the POA to hire anyone to perform the work for the amount they can possibly recoup.

2.                  Many of the unmowed lot's owners are already behind on POA dues making it unlikely that even if someone could be hired to clear and mow them for $50 that the POA would not be able to collect all of the assessed fees.


Policy:  Adopt-A-Lot


Until such time that the deed restrictions are updated and the POA can effectively hire out the work to have all lots maintained, this program is created for volunteers to do it.  Specifically, is allows any PLV property owner to adopt one or more vacant lots that are not being mowed by June 1st.of each year.  Then they clear/mow it at least once per year on behalf of the Point La Vista Property Owners Association.  This is a way for interested owners to take action on behalf of the POA.  The community wins by having more lots maintained, and the POA wins by getting some of the work done at no expense to the POA.  


How it works:

1.      At any point after June 1st, any current PLV property owner can email the POA Treasurer informing the POA of their intent to adopt and mow a lot.  Only Vacant Lots are eligible.  The Treasurer will reply letting them know if anyone else has already adopted that lot.

2.      The lot adopter then needs to provide the POA a release of liability prior to starting any work.

3.      The lot adopter then clears and burns/removes dead trees/brush and mows the lot at least once during the year.

4.      The lot adopter needs to email the Treasurer letting them know it is complete and if the POA wants to verify the work they can.

5.      Once satisfied the work is complete, the Treasurer who would send a bill for $50 (per the current deed restrictions) to the lot owner.

6.      If/When the $50 is received by the Treasurer, the person who adopted the lot is paid by the POA $45 for the work, with the POA keeping $5 as a processing fee.  The lot adopter is only paid if the POA is paid.
